Take action Victoria

Take action Victoria

Victoria has some of the rarest plants and animals in Australia. Home to the endangered Leadbeater’s Possum, as well as the platypus and the helmeted honeyeater, the unique plants and animals found in Victoria’s national parks help make up what makes Australia unique.

Unfortunately in Victoria, there are an estimated 1 million feral deer that are wreaking havoc across our national parks. With adult deer having no natural predators, their numbers continue to explode. And what makes matters worse, feral deer in Victoria have a protection status that can hinder park rangers from doing their jobs and controlling feral deer numbers. 

Recreational deer hunting is not an effective control strategy and feral deer shouldn’t be treated as protected wildlife under Victorian law, which they currently are. This means feral deer receive the same protections as Victoria’s wallabies, wombats and koalas.

This is why urgent action is needed. And the window of opportunity for change is wide open with the rapidly approaching Victorian election this November. Please submit an urgent email to your local MP calling for the removal of the protection status of feral deer as well as calling for an increase of funding to enable effective control.

With the damage caused by the expanding plague of feral deer, every day counts. We can still save our precious native plants and animals but we need to act now. 

Victoria has some of the rarest plants and animals in Australia. Home to the endangered Leadbeater’s Possum, as well as the platypus and the helmeted honeyeater, the unique plants and animals found in Victoria’s national parks help make up what makes Australia unique.

Unfortunately in Victoria, there are an estimated 1 million feral deer that are wreaking havoc across our national parks. With adult deer having no natural predators, their numbers continue to explode. And what makes matters worse, feral deer in Victoria have a protection status that can hinder park rangers from doing their jobs and controlling feral deer numbers. 

Recreational deer hunting is not an effective control strategy and feral deer shouldn’t be treated as protected wildlife under Victorian law, which they currently are. This means feral deer receive the same protections as Victoria’s wallabies, wombats and koalas.

This is why urgent action is needed. And the window of opportunity for change is wide open with the rapidly approaching Victorian election this November. Please submit an urgent email to your local MP calling for the removal of the protection status of feral deer as well as calling for an increase of funding to enable effective control.

With the damage caused by the expanding plague of feral deer, every day counts. We can still save our precious native plants and animals but we need to act now. 

Take action to stop feral deer spreading across Victoria

Compose your email

Email Tips +

You'll see we've provided some draft words to send, but please add any of your own perspectives you'd like to share! 

Some writing tips:

  • Keep it short and focussed on the issue. 
  • Make it personal - why do you care? Share how you feel. 
  • Be respectful.
  • Call for specific action like removing the protected wildlife status of feral deer and increasing the funding available for effective and efficient professional deer control.

Thank you for speaking up for nature!


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